


(adj.) having the same or similar characteristics; 'all politicians are alike'; 'they looked utterly alike'; 'friends are generally alike in background and taste' .

(adv.) in a like manner; 'they walk alike'.

(adv.) equally; 'parents and teachers alike demanded reforms'.

Editor: Noreen--From WordNet


(a.) Having resemblance or similitude; similar; without difference.

(adv.) In the same manner, form, or degree; in common; equally; as, we are all alike concerned in religion.

Typist: Lottie

Synonyms and Synonymous

a. Similar, like, resembling, analogous, allied, equal, of a piece.

ad. Equally, in the same manner, form, or degree.

Inputed by Cecile

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Resembling, similar, together, twin-fellow, analogous, identical, equal,equivalent, same, homogeneous, akin, equally

ANT:Unlike, heterogeneous, apart, dissimilar, variously, differently, unequally

Inputed by Darlene


adj. like one another: having resemblance.—adv. in the same manner or form: equally: similarly.

Checked by Calvin


Checked by Calvin


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