- The earlier aviators had found that two planes, or double-deckers, gave the best results. 魯伯特·薩金特·荷蘭. 歷史性發明.
- Mr. Curtiss is one of the most daring aviators in the world, and his flight down the Hudson River attracted the widest attention. 魯伯特·薩金特·荷蘭. 歷史性發明.
- There were some aviators in the compartment who did not think much of me. 歐尼斯特·海明威. 永別了,武器.
- There were a couple of British and some aviators. 歐尼斯特·海明威. 永別了,武器.
- A great aviation week was held at Rheims, and almost all the world’s famous aviators, except the Wrights, were there. 魯伯特·薩金特·荷蘭. 歷史性發明.
- But many aviators have been drawn from a reckless class, and many accidents have been due to a desire to thrill an audience rather than to learn more about the laws of flight. 魯伯特·薩金特·荷蘭. 歷史性發明.
- Daring aviators sprang into fame at once. 魯伯特·薩金特·荷蘭. 歷史性發明.