[riː'kæptʃə] or [,ri'kæptʃɚ]
(noun.) the act of taking something back.
(noun.) a legal seizure by the government of profits beyond a fixed amount.
(verb.) capture again; 'recapture the escaped prisoner'.
(verb.) take up anew; 'The author recaptures an old idea here'.
(verb.) experience anew; 'She could not recapture that feeling of happiness'.
(verb.) take back by force, as after a battle; 'The military forces managed to recapture the fort'.
布里茨校对--From WordNet
(n.) The act of retaking or recovering by capture; especially, the retaking of a prize or goods from a captor.
(n.) That which is captured back; a prize retaken.
(v. t.) To capture again; to retake.
v.t. to capture back or retake esp. a prize from a captor.—n. act of retaking: a prize recaptured.—n. Recap′tor.
- He recaptured Lot and all the other plunder. 马克·吐温. 傻子出国记.
- It were better to be recaptured ourselves than that. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星战神.
- Haley stood there in very ill humor, having ridden hard the night before, and being not at all pacified by his ill success in recapturing his prey. 哈丽叶特·比切·斯托. 汤姆叔叔的小屋.