
[ɪg'zædʒəreɪt;eg-] or [ɪɡ'zædʒəret]


(v. t.) To heap up; to accumulate.

(v. t.) To amplify; to magnify; to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth ; to delineate extravagantly ; to overstate the truth concerning.

Edited by Emily

Synonyms and Synonymous

v. a. Overstate, heighten, amplify, overcharge, strain, stretch, overstrain, caricature, overcolor, depict extravagantly, color too highly.

Checked by Bonnie

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Amplify, enlarge, heighten, magnify, overstate, overdraw, strain, overpaint,overestimate

ANT:Disparage, attenuate, palliate, understate, underestimate, lenity, mitigate,soften, qualify, modify

Inputed by Jarvis


v.t. to magnify unduly: to represent too strongly: to intensify.—n. Exaggerā′tion extravagant representation: a statement in excess of the truth.—adjs. Exagg′erative Exagg′eratory containing exaggeration or tending to exaggerate.—n. Exagg′erator.

Checker: Wade


Inputed by Huntington


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