
[jɔːn] or [jɔn]


(noun.) an involuntary intake of breath through a wide open mouth; usually triggered by fatigue or boredom; 'he could not suppress a yawn'; 'the yawning in the audience told him it was time to stop'; 'he apologized for his oscitancy'.

(verb.) utter a yawn, as from lack of oxygen or when one is tired; 'The child yawned during the long performance'.

Checked by Bonnie--From WordNet


(v. i.) To open the mouth involuntarily through drowsiness, dullness, or fatigue; to gape; to oscitate.

(v. i.) To open wide; to gape, as if to allow the entrance or exit of anything.

(v. i.) To open the mouth, or to gape, through surprise or bewilderment.

(v. i.) To be eager; to desire to swallow anything; to express desire by yawning; as, to yawn for fat livings.

(n.) An involuntary act, excited by drowsiness, etc., consisting of a deep and long inspiration following several successive attempts at inspiration, the mouth, fauces, etc., being wide open.

(n.) The act of opening wide, or of gaping.

(n.) A chasm, mouth, or passageway.

Editor: Myra

Synonyms and Synonymous

v. n. [1]. Gape, oscitate.[2]. Open-wide.

Inputed by Estella


v.i. to open the jaws involuntarily from drowsiness: to gape: to gape with astonishment.—n. the opening of the mouth from drowsiness.—adj. Yawn′ing gaping: opening wide: drowsy.—n. act of opening wide or gaping: a modification of the ordinary movements of respiration in which the inspiration is deeper than usual accompanied by a kind of spasmodic contraction of the muscles which depress the lower jaw and by a great elevation of the ribs and to some degree of the shoulder-blades.—adv. Yawn′ingly.

Edited by Denny

Unserious Contents or Definition

The air-breaks on a sleeper.

Typed by Angelo


Typist: Rudy


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