- She stood there, her hair still down her back in two braids. 歐尼斯特·海明威. 喪鐘為誰而鳴.
- Just as the coils and braids of dark-brown hair had been set free, Sir James entered the room. 喬治·艾略特. 米德爾馬契.
- I suppose there's no need to, in heaven, she said, straightening her loosened braids with a laugh, and bending over the tea-kettle. 伊蒂絲·華頓. 純真年代.
- The light touched to russet the rings of dark hair escaping from her braids, and made her pale face paler. 伊蒂絲·華頓. 純真年代.
- Laurie leisurely departed to recover the lost property, and Jo bundled up her braids, hoping no one would pass by till she was tidy again. 路易莎·梅·奧爾科特. 小婦人.