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[skɒtʃ] or [skɑtʃ]


(noun.) whiskey distilled in Scotland; especially whiskey made from malted barley in a pot still.

(verb.) make a small cut or score into.

編輯:奥尔加--From WordNet


(a.) Of or pertaining to Scotland, its language, or its inhabitants; Scottish.

(n.) The dialect or dialects of English spoken by the people of Scotland.

(n.) Collectively, the people of Scotland.

(v. t.) To shoulder up; to prop or block with a wedge, chock, etc., as a wheel, to prevent its rolling or slipping.

(n.) A chock, wedge, prop, or other support, to prevent slipping; as, a scotch for a wheel or a log on inclined ground.

(v. t.) To cut superficially; to wound; to score.

(n.) A slight cut or incision; a score.



v. a. [1]. Cut (slightly), wound (superficially).[2]. Stop (as a wheel to prevent it from rolling back), block.

a. Scottish.



adj. pertaining to Scotland its people language customs products &c.—also Scot′tish Scots.—n. the dialect of English spoken in Lowland Scotland: (coll.) Scotch whisky.—ns. Scotch′-hop a child's game: hop-scotch; Scotch′man Scots′man a native of Scotland.—Scotch amulet a British geometrid moth; Scotch and English the boys' game of prisoner's base; Scotch barley pot or hulled barley; Scotch bluebell the harebell; Scotch bonnets the fairy-ring mushroom; Scotch broth broth made with pot-barley and plenty of various vegetables chopped small; Scotch cap the wild black raspberry; Scotch catch or snap the peculiarity in Scotch music of the first of two tones played to the same beat being the shorter; Scotch curlies a variety of kale; Scotch fir or pine the only species of pine indigenous to Britain valuable for its timber turpentine tar &c.; Scotch kale a variety of kale; Scotch mist a mist like fine rain; Scotch pebbles varieties of agate and jasper; Scotch thistle the national emblem of Scotland.

n. a strut or drag for a wheel.—v.t. to prop or block with such.—n. Scote a prop.—v.t. to stop or block.

v.t. to cut or wound slightly: to notch.—n. a notch scratch.—n. Scotch′ing a method of dressing stone with a pick.—Scotched-collops or (erroneously) Scotch-collops beef-steaks fried with onions.





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