- The latest improvement in chemical matches is the Vesta, which consists of small wax, or stearine tapers, with an igniting composition at the end, consisting of chlorate of potass and phosphorus. 弗雷德里克·科利爾·貝克維爾. 偉大的事實.
- Small glass globules, containing sulphuric acid, were introduced into the composition of chlorate of potass and sugar, which, when broken, set fire to the mixture and lighted the match. 弗雷德里克·科利爾·貝克維爾. 偉大的事實.
- In his method of doing so, he covers the steel plate with a solution of isinglass and bichromate of potass, and placing a collodion negative picture upon it, he exposes it to the action of light. 弗雷德里克·科利爾·貝克維爾. 偉大的事實.
- It consisted of a thin splinter of dried wood, the top of which was dipped in a mixture of one part of chlorate of potass, two of sulphide of antimony, and one of gum. 弗雷德里克·科利爾·貝克維爾. 偉大的事實.
- Congreve matches were composed of an emulsion of phosphorus mixed with chlorate of potass, into which the matches, previously tipped with sulphur, were dipped. 弗雷德里克·科利爾·貝克維爾. 偉大的事實.