
[ren] or [rɛn]


(noun.) any of several small active brown birds of the northern hemisphere with short upright tails; they feed on insects.

(noun.) English architect who designed more than fifty London churches (1632-1723).

Inputed by Lennon--From WordNet


(n.) Any one of numerous species of small singing birds belonging to Troglodytes and numerous allied of the family Troglodytidae.

(n.) Any one of numerous species of small singing birds more or less resembling the true wrens in size and habits.

Typed by Borg


n. a genus (Troglodytes) and family (Troglodytid) of birds having a slender slightly curved and pointed bill the wings very short and rounded the tail short and carried erect the legs slender and rather long.—ns. Wren′ning the stoning of a wren to death on St Stephen's Day December 26th—Wrenning Day—once practised in the North Country; Wren′-tit a Californian bird (ChaméŽ?fasciata) of dubious relations at once resembling the wren and the titmouse.

Edited by Ben


Typist: Willie


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