
[sɔː] or [sɔr]


(noun.) the act of rising upward into the air.

(verb.) go or move upward; 'The stock market soared after the cease-fire was announced'.

(verb.) fly upwards or high in the sky.

(verb.) rise rapidly; 'the dollar soared against the yen'.

Edited by Francine--From WordNet


(v. i.) To fly aloft, as a bird; to mount upward on wings, or as on wings.

(v. i.) Fig.: To rise in thought, spirits, or imagination; to be exalted in mood.

(n.) The act of soaring; upward flight.

(a.) See 3d Sore.

(a.) See Sore, reddish brown.

Typist: Mag

Synonyms and Synonymous

v. n. Tower, mount, rise, ascend, fly aloft.

Checked by Jacques

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Rise, mount, tower, aspire, ascend, uprise

ANT:Drop, sink, descend, alight

Editor: Natasha


v.i. to mount into the air: to fly aloft: to rise to a height also mentally or morally.—n. act of soaring: the height reached in soaring.—adjs. Soar′ant (her.) flying aloft; Soar′ing.—adv. Soar′ingly having an upward direction.

Checked by Archie


Checked by Douglas


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