
['rʌʃ(ə)n] or ['rʌʃən]


(noun.) the Slavic language that is the official language of Russia.

(noun.) a native or inhabitant of Russia.

(adj.) of or pertaining to or characteristic of Russia or its people or culture or language; 'Russian dancing' .

Typed by Edwina--From WordNet


(a.) Of or pertaining to Russia, its inhabitants, or language.

(n.) A native or inhabitant of Russia; the language of Russia.

Typed by Angelo


adj. relating to Russia a country of Europe or to its people.—n. a native of Russia: the Russian language.—adj. Russ belonging to the Russians.—n. a Russian: the Russian language.—v.t. Russ′ianise to give Russian characteristics to.—n. Russificā′tion.—v.t. Rus′sify to Russianise.—ns. Rus′so-Byzan′tine the national art of Russian architecture; Rus′sophile one who favours Russian policy (also adj.); Rus′sophilism; Rus′sophilist; Rus′sophobe one who dreads or hates the Russians—also Rus′sophobist; Russophō′bia the dread of Russian policy.—Russia leather (see Leather).

Typed by Dave

Unserious Contents or Definition

n. A person with a Caucasian body and a Mongolian soul. A Tartar Emetic.

Checker: Max


Edited by Lizzie


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