
['plætɪnəm] or ['plætnəm]


(noun.) a heavy precious metallic element; grey-white and resistant to corroding; occurs in some nickel and copper ores and is also found native in some deposits.

Checked by Dick--From WordNet


(n.) A metallic element, intermediate in value between silver and gold, occurring native or alloyed with other metals, also as the platinum arsenide (sperrylite). It is heavy tin-white metal which is ductile and malleable, but very infusible, and characterized by its resistance to strong chemical reagents. It is used for crucibles, for stills for sulphuric acid, rarely for coin, and in the form of foil and wire for many purposes. Specific gravity 21.5. Atomic weight 194.3. Symbol Pt. Formerly called platina.

Typist: Meg


n. an important metal of a dim silvery appearance between gold and silver in value and very difficult to melt—older name Plat′ina.—adjs. Platin′ic; Platinif′erous.—v.t. Plat′inise to coat with platinum.—ns. Plat′inoid one of the metals with which platinum is always found associated—palladium iridium &c.; Plat′inotype a method of producing photographs by means of paper coated with a preparation of platinum: a picture so produced.—adj. Plat′inous containing or consisting of platinum.

Typed by Brooke


Typist: Shelley


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