
[pə'mɪt] or [pɚ'mɪt]


(noun.) large game fish; found in waters of the West Indies.

(verb.) consent to, give permission; 'She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband'; 'I won't let the police search her basement'; 'I cannot allow you to see your exam'.

Edited by Fred--From WordNet


(v. t.) To consent to; to allow or suffer to be done; to tolerate; to put up with.

(v. t.) To grant (one) express license or liberty to do an act; to authorize; to give leave; -- followed by an infinitive.

(v. t.) To give over; to resign; to leave; to commit.

(v. i.) To grant permission; to allow.

(n.) Warrant; license; leave; permission; specifically, a written license or permission given to a person or persons having authority; as, a permit to land goods subject to duty.

Edited by Augustus

Synonyms and Synonymous

v. a. Allow, let, suffer, license, empower, authorize, warrant, give permission to, give leave to, give carte blanche to.

n. Leave, license, permission, liberty.

Checker: Mortimer

Synonyms and Antonyms


Typist: Nadine


v.t. to give leave to: to allow to be or to be done: to afford means: to give opportunity:—pr.p. permit′ting; pa.t. and pa.p. permit′ted.—n. (per′mit) a written permission esp. from a custom-house officer to remove goods.—n. Permissibil′ity.—adj. Permiss′ible that may be permitted: allowable.—adv. Permiss′ibly.—n. Permis′sion act of permitting: liberty granted: allowance.—adj. Permiss′ive granting permission or liberty: allowing: granted: not hindered.—adv. Permiss′ively by permission without prohibition.—ns. Permit′tance permission; Permittēē′ one to whom permission is granted; Permit′ter one who permits.—Permissive Bill a measure embodying the principles of local option for the regulation of the liquor traffic; Permissive laws laws that permit certain things without enforcing anything.

Edited by Dwight


Inputed by Errol


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