


(noun.) United States golfer (born in 1929).

Edited by Ervin--From WordNet


(v. t.) One who palms or cheats, as at cards or dice.

(n.) A wandering religious votary; especially, one who bore a branch of palm as a token that he had visited the Holy Land and its sacred places.

(n.) A palmerworm.

(n.) Short for Palmer fly, an artificial fly made to imitate a hairy caterpillar; a hackle.

Checker: Zelig

Synonyms and Synonymous

n. Pilgrim (returned from the Holy Land), crusader.

Edited by Candice


n. a pilgrim from the Holy Land distinguished by his carrying a branch of palm: a cheat at cards or dice.—ns. Pal′merin any medieval knightly hero from the Palmerin romances the original hero Palmerin de Oliva; Palm′er-worm (B.) a hairy worm which wanders like a palmer devouring leaves &c.

Inputed by Joe


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