
[ɪg'zɜːt;eg-] or [ɪɡ'zɝt]


(verb.) put to use; 'exert one's power or influence'.

(verb.) make a great effort at a mental or physical task; 'exert oneself'.

Editor: Roxanne--From WordNet


(v. t.) To thrust forth; to emit; to push out.

(v. t.) To put force, ability, or anything of the nature of an active faculty; to put in vigorous action; to bring into active operation; as, to exert the strength of the body, limbs, faculties, or imagination; to exert the mind or the voice.

(v. t.) To put forth, as the result or exercise of effort; to bring to bear; to do or perform.

Typed by Erica

Synonyms and Synonymous

v. a. Exercise, use, put forth, put in action, bring into operation, set to work.

Checked by Carmen


v.t. to bring into active operation: to do or perform.—n. Exer′tion a bringing into active operation: effort: attempt.—adj. Exert′ive having the power or tendency to exert: using exertion.

Editor: Thea


Checked by Elton


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