
['tʃɑːns(ə)lə] or ['tʃænsəlɚ]


(noun.) the honorary or titular head of a university.

(noun.) the person who is head of state (in several countries).

Checked by Llewellyn--From WordNet


(n.) A judicial court of chancery, which in England and in the United States is distinctively a court with equity jurisdiction.

Editor: Olivia


n. (Shak.) secretary: the president of a court of chancery or other court: the official who keeps the registers of an order of knighthood: the titular head of a university: (Scot.) the foreman of a jury.—ns. Chan′cellorship; Chan′cellory.—Chancellor of a cathedral an officer who formerly had charge of the chapter library custody of the common seal superintendence of the choir practices and headship of the cathedral schools; Chancellor of a diocese an ecclesiastical judge uniting the functions of vicar-general and official principal appointed to assist the bishop in questions of ecclesiastical law and hold his courts for him; Chancellor of the Exchequer the chief minister of finance in the British government; Lord Chancellor Lord High Chancellor the presiding judge of the Court of Chancery the keeper of the great seal and the first lay person of the state after the blood-royal.

Edited by Hardy


Checker: Polly


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