['ʌptɜːn] or ['ʌptɝn]
(v. t.) To turn up; to direct upward; to throw up; as, to upturn the ground in plowing.
v.t. to turn up or upward: to throw up.—v.i. to turn up.—n. Uptur′ning the act of throwing up.
- Again, a minute bit of bark has been upturned by the scraping hand, and the direction of the break indicates the direction of the passage. 愛德格·賴斯·巴勒斯. 人猿泰山.
- He heard a rustling on his left hand, a cloaked figure with an upturned face appeared at the base of the Barrow, and Clym descended. 湯瑪斯·哈代. 還鄉.
- He wiped his mouth, wiping his upturned gray mustache carefully. 歐尼斯特·海明威. 永別了,武器.
- A yet unconsumed pile of these lay in the inner angle of the bank; and from this corner the upturned face of a little boy greeted her eyes. 湯瑪斯·哈代. 還鄉.
- I saw his face under the hat, upturned mustaches and blood coming down his cheek. 歐尼斯特·海明威. 永別了,武器.
- He lay upon his back, his face upturned, with his white teeth grinning through his short, black beard. 亞瑟·柯南·道爾. 福爾摩斯歸來記.
- He was a man of about fifty with an upturned mustache. 歐尼斯特·海明威. 永別了,武器.