


n. the moisture or fluids of animal bodies: an animal fluid in an unhealthy state: state of mind (because once thought to depend on the humours of the body) as 'good' and 'ill humour:' disposition: caprice: a mental quality which delights in ludicrous and mirthful ideas: playful fancy.—v.t. to go in with the humour of: to gratify by compliance.—adj. Hū′moral pertaining to or proceeding from the humours.—ns. Hū′moralism the state of being humoral: the doctrine that diseases have their seat in the humours; Hū′moralist one who favours the doctrine of humoralism; Humoresque′ a musical caprice; Hū′morist one whose conduct and conversation are regulated by humour or caprice: one who studies or portrays the humours of people: one possessed of humour: a writer of comic stories.—adjs. Humoris′tic humorous; Hū′morless without humour; Hū′morous governed by humour: capricious: irregular: full of humour: exciting laughter.—adv. Hū′morously.—n. Hū′morousness.—adj. Hū′moursome capricious petulant.—n. Hū′moursomeness.—Out of humour out of temper displeased; The new humour a so-called modern literary product in which there is even less humour than novelty.

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