
[ɪn'tegrɪtɪ] or [ɪn'tɛɡrəti]


(noun.) moral soundness; 'he expects to find in us the common honesty and integrity of men of business'; 'they admired his scrupulous professional integrity'.

(noun.) an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting; 'the integrity of the nervous system is required for normal development'; 'he took measures to insure the territorial unity of Croatia'.

Checked by Cecily--From WordNet


(n.) The state or quality of being entire or complete; wholeness; entireness; unbroken state; as, the integrity of an empire or territory.

(n.) Moral soundness; honesty; freedom from corrupting influence or motive; -- used especially with reference to the fulfillment of contracts, the discharge of agencies, trusts, and the like; uprightness; rectitude.

(n.) Unimpaired, unadulterated, or genuine state; entire correspondence with an original condition; purity.

Checked by Carlton

Synonyms and Synonymous

n. [1]. Wholeness, entireness, entirety, completeness.[2]. Rectitude, uprightness, probity, honesty, virtue, goodness, principle, moral soundness.

Checked by Cindy

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Uprightness, honor, honesty, probity, truthfulness, candor, single-mindedness,{[con]?}, conscientiousness, entireness, rectitude, completeness, parity

ANT:Unfairness, sleight, underhandedness, meanness, chicanery, duplicity, fraud,roguery, rascality

Checked by Andrew


n. entireness wholeness: the unimpaired state of anything: uprightness: honesty: purity.

Checker: Nellie


Checked by Keith


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