
['frɪkʃ(ə)n] or ['frɪkʃən]


(noun.) effort expended in moving one object over another with pressure.

(noun.) the resistance encountered when one body is moved in contact with another.

Editor: Solomon--From WordNet

Synonyms and Synonymous

n. Attrition, abrasion, confrication, rubbing.

Editor: Nell

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Rubbing, grating, attrition, abrasion, contact

ANT:Lubrication, detachment, isolation, noncontact

Checker: Sylvia


n. the act of rubbing: (statics) a force acting in the tangent plane of two bodies when one slides or rolls upon another and always in a direction opposite to that in which the moving body tends: difficulty unpleasantness.—adjs. Fric′ative produced by friction used of those consonants which are produced by the breath being forced through a narrow opening; Fric′tional relating to moved by or produced by friction.—n. Fric′tion-gear′ing a method of imparting the motion of one wheel or pulley to another by mere contact.—adj. Fric′tionless having no friction.— Fric′tion-wheels wheels that lessen friction.

Checked by Amy


Typed by Bush


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