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To dream of brass, denotes that you will rise rapidly in your profession, but while of apparently solid elevation you will secretly fear a downfall of fortune.
Typist: Ora
- Mais d'abord, faites-moi le plaisir de vous lever; prenez mon bras, et allons de l'autre c?té. Charlotte Bronte. Villette.
- It had been new for the campaign of Waterloo and had covered George and William after the night of Quatre Bras. William Makepeace Thackeray. Vanity Fair.
- Brass tubes can easily be bent by ramming full of sand, stopping the ends, and bending them over a curved surface. William K. David. Secrets of Wise Men, Chemists and Great Physicians.
- My eye had been caught by a gun with a brass-bound stock over the chimney-piece, and his eye had followed mine. Charles Dickens. Great Expectations.
- Rosa Dartle sat looking down upon her, as inflexible as a figure of brass. Charles Dickens. David Copperfield.
- The pulp was laid by hand upon moulds made of parallel strands of coarse brass wire; and the making of the pulp by grinding wood and treating it chemically to soften it was experimental. William Henry Doolittle. Inventions in the Century.
- It consisted of a graduated arc of soli d polished brass five inches broad, two inches thick, and with a radius of about six and three quarters feet. Walter Libby. An Introduction to the History of Science.
- And if it was a toasting-fork, you'd go into brass and do yourself no credit. Charles Dickens. Great Expectations.
- Ye've gi'en your brass; ye've done well. Charlotte Bronte. Shirley.
- Four brass chains support a slab of wood about 28 inches long by about 8 or ten inches in width. William K. David. Secrets of Wise Men, Chemists and Great Physicians.
- A watch balance is made with a rim of brass encircling and firmly united to the rim of steel. Various. The Wonder Book of Knowledge.
- And the worker in leather and brass will make them? Plato. The Republic.
- By connecting X to the gas-pipe we drew sparks from the gas-pipes in any part of the room by drawing an iron wire over the brass jet of the cock. Frank Lewis Dyer. Edison, His Life and Inventions.
- All the aluminum parts as well as a large proportion of the brass, are also cast in this foundry. Various. The Wonder Book of Knowledge.
- In the brass wind instruments such as horn, trombone, and trumpet, the lips of the player vibrate and excite the air within. Bertha M. Clark. General Science.
- As I watched him in silence, he put his hand into the corner at his side, and took up a gun with a brass-bound stock. Charles Dickens. Great Expectations.
- Brass can do better than the gold what has stood the fire,' said the second. Charles Dickens. Oliver Twist.
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