
['ɑːtɪfɪs] or ['ɑrtɪfɪs]


(n.) A handicraft; a trade; art of making.

(n.) Workmanship; a skillfully contrived work.

(n.) Artful or skillful contrivance.

(n.) Crafty device; an artful, ingenious, or elaborate trick. [Now the usual meaning.]

Checked by Brady

Synonyms and Synonymous

n. Cunning, deceit, trickery, duplicity, guile, subtlety, finesse, stratagem, trick, subterfuge, wile, ruse, chance, dodge, doubling, Machiavelism, machination, deception, cheat, shuffle, fraud, imposture, imposition, double-dealing, COLLUSION, hocus-pocus, crafty device, artful contrivance.

Typed by Enid

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:manoeuvre, cheat, wile, contrivance, craft, trick, fraud, machination, punning,imposture, stratagem

ANT:Fairness, candor, simplicity, openness

Checked by Clive


n. artificer's work: a contrivance: a trick or fraud.—n. Artif′icer a workman: an inventor.—adj. Artificial (é‹œt-i-fish′yal) made by art: not natural: cultivated: not indigenous: feigned: not natural in manners affected.—v.t. and v.i. Artific′ialise to render artificial.—ns. Artificial′ity Artific′ialness.—adv. Artific′ially.

Inputed by Lennon


Checker: Steve


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