
['æmbjʊl(ə)ns] or ['æmbjələns]


(noun.) a vehicle that takes people to and from hospitals.

Typist: Willie--From WordNet


(n.) A field hospital, so organized as to follow an army in its movements, and intended to succor the wounded as soon as possible. Often used adjectively; as, an ambulance wagon; ambulance stretcher; ambulance corps.

(n.) An ambulance wagon or cart for conveying the wounded from the field, or to a hospital.

Checked by Brits


n. a carriage which follows an army and serves as a movable hospital for the wounded—also used as an adj. as in ambulance wagon.—n. Ambulan′cier a man attached to an ambulance.—adj. Am′bulant walking: moving from place to place: (rare) unfixed.—v.t. and v.i. Am′bulate (rare) to walk.—p.adj. Am′bulating.—n. Ambulā′tion.—adj. Am′bulatory having the power or faculty of walking: moving from place to place not stationary: mutable.—n. any part of a building intended for walking in as the aisles of a church or the cloisters of a monastery: any kind of corridor.

Inputed by Enoch


Checker: Thomas


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