
['vaɪə] or [ˈvaɪə,ˈviə]


(n.) A road way.

(prep.) By the way of; as, to send a letter via Queenstown to London.

Checked by Basil

Synonyms and Synonymous

ad. [L.] [Colloquial.] By way of.

Editor: Robert


interj. away! off! either in command or defiance.

n. a highway a road a route—via London=by way of London: a natural passage of the body.—n. Viam′eter an odometer.—adj. Viat′ic.— Viat′icals military baggage.—Via dolorosa the Way of Calvary (see Station); Via lactea the Milky-Way or Galaxy; Via media the midway course or mean between popular Protestantism and Roman Catholicism which Newman almost down to 1845 succeeded in believing that the Anglican divines of the 17th century had taken up.—Prim?vi the first or main passages the alimentary canal the bowels; Secund?vi the lacteal or chyliferous vessels.

Typist: Louis


Typist: Louis


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