- In a recent and more restricted sense, it is applied to a machine that cuts grain, separates it into gavels, and binds it. William Henry Doolittle. Inventions in the Century.
- The dispersion of a ray of white light separates it into its component color rays. Various. The Wonder Book of Knowledge.
- The heat separates the ammonia gas from the water, and the gas is then used to operate a suitable engine. William Henry Doolittle. Inventions in the Century.
- The number of the interval which separates the king from the tyrant, and royal from tyrannical pleasures, is 729, the cube of 9. Plato. The Republic.
- And how enormous is the distance which separates the just from the unjust in regard to pleasure and pain! Plato. The Republic.
- In a few moments the latter separates and there is distinctly seen a woman’s body, the lower part of which is hidden by a basket of flowers. William K. David. Secrets of Wise Men, Chemists and Great Physicians.
- Would you know the measure of the interval which separates them? Plato. The Republic.
- And the greater the interval which separates them from philosophy and reason, the more strange and illusive will be the pleasure? Plato. The Republic.
- A thin knife-edge partition board, arranged below the falling sheets of sand, separates the deflected magnetic particles from the straight-falling sand. Edward W. Byrn. The Progress of Invention in the Nineteenth Century.
- The sunlight separates silver chloride into its constituents, silver and chlorine. Bertha M. Clark. General Science.
- Shall two years more be thus passed, each day adding to our alienation, each act being another stone piled on the barrier which separates us? Mary Shelley. The Last Man.
- Mechanical rigid woodenness is an inevitable corollary of any theory which separates mind from activity motivated by a purpose. John Dewey. Democracy and Education.
Checked by Keith