
['kreɪnɪəm] or ['krenɪəm]


(noun.) the part of the skull that encloses the brain.

Typed by Jared--From WordNet


(n.) The skull of an animal; especially, that part of the skull, either cartilaginous or bony, which immediately incloses the brain; the brain case or brainpan. See Skull.

Checked by Elmer

Synonyms and Synonymous

n. Skull, brain-pan.

Checker: Presley


n. the skull: the bones enclosing the brain.—adj. Crā′nial pertaining to the cranium.—n. Craniog′nomy cranial physiognomy.—adj. Craniolog′ical.—ns. Craniol′ogist one skilled in craniology; Craniol′ogy the study of skulls: phrenology; Craniom′eter an instrument for measuring the skull; Craniom′etry the measurement of skulls; Craninos′copist a phrenologist; Cranios′copy phrenology; Craniot′omy (obstetrics) the act of breaking down the head of the fœtus.

Editor: Stephen


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