
[mɒ'skiːtəʊ] or [mə'skito]


(noun.) two-winged insect whose female has a long proboscis to pierce the skin and suck the blood of humans and animals.

Typist: Natalie--From WordNet


(n.) Any one of various species of gnats of the genus Culex and allied genera. The females have a proboscis containing, within the sheathlike labium, six fine, sharp, needlelike organs with which they puncture the skin of man and animals to suck the blood. These bites, when numerous, cause, in many persons, considerable irritation and swelling, with some pain. The larvae and pupae, called wigglers, are aquatic.

Typist: Shirley


n. a biting gnat common in tropical countries:—pl. Mosqui′toes.—Mosquito canopy curtain net an arrangement of netting set over a bed in a window &c. to keep out mosquitoes.

Typist: Vilma

Unserious Contents or Definition

To see mosquitoes in your dreams, you will strive in vain to remain impregnable to the sly attacks of secret enemies. Your patience and fortune will both suffer from these designing persons. If you kill mosquitoes, you will eventually overcome obstacles and enjoy fortune and domestic bliss.

Checked by Brett

Unserious Contents or Definition

A small insect designed by God to make us think better of flies.

Typed by Gilda


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