['medɪkeɪt] or ['mɛdɪ,ket]
(verb.) treat medicinally, treat with medicine.
(verb.) impregnate with a medicinal substance.
Checked by Benita--From WordNet
(v. t.) To tincture or impregnate with anything medicinal; to drug.
(v. t.) To treat with medicine.
Edited by Amber
Synonyms and Synonymous
v. a. [1]. Tincture or impregnate with something medicinal.[2]. Heal, cure, treat with medicine.
Inputed by Delia
Synonyms and Antonyms
SYN:Treat, compound, amalgamate, adulterate, sophisticate, drug
ANT:Clarify, analyze, purify, defecate, stupify, disadulterate
Typed by Helga
v.t. to treat with medicine: to impregnate with anything medicinal.—adj. Med′icable that may be healed.—n. Med′icament anything used for healing: a medicine: healing power.—adj. Medicamen′tal.—n. Med′icaster an ignorant physician.—adj. Med′icated mixed with medicine: made medicinal: treated with medicine.—n. Medicā′tion the act or process of medicating or of mixing with medicinal substances: the use of medicine.—adj. Med′icative having the power of healing: tending to heal.—n. Medicā′tor any medical appliance.
Edited by Beverly
- Medicated pads are quite popular with many who have tried them, and a multitude of remarkable cures are attributed to their use. William K. David. Secrets of Wise Men, Chemists and Great Physicians.
- I asked for wine--they gave me some, but it must have been highly medicated, for I slept yet more deeply than before, and wakened not for many hours. Walter Scott. Ivanhoe.
- A medicated glass of water and a medicated bottle of smelling-salts relieved her of all further embarrassment and alarm. Wilkie Collins. The Woman in White.
Checker: Trent