


(v. t.) To quit; to relinquish; to leave.

(v. t.) To relinquish the enjoyment or advantage of; to give up; to resign; to renounce; -- said of a thing already enjoyed, or of one within reach, or anticipated.

(v. i.) To go before; to precede; -- used especially in the present and past participles.

Typed by Clyde

Synonyms and Synonymous

v. a. Relinquish, resign, surrender, cede, yield, abandon, give up, part with, let go.

Checked by Debs

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Waive, drop, abandon, abjure, renounce, give_up, relinquish, yield, surrender,resign

ANT:Claim, assume, vindicate, seize, grasp, retain

Edited by Charlene


v.t. to give up: to forbear the use of.—Better Forgō′.

v.t. to go before precede: chiefly used in its pr.p. foregō′ing and pa.p. foregone′.—ns. Foregō′er; Foregō′ing.—p.adj. Foregone′.—n. Foregone′ness.—Foregone conclusion a conclusion come to before examination of the evidence.

Checker: Seymour


Inputed by Fidel


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