
[ɪg'zɔːt;eg-] or [ɪɡ'zɔrt]


(v. t.) To incite by words or advice; to animate or urge by arguments, as to a good deed or laudable conduct; to address exhortation to; to urge strongly; hence, to advise, warn, or caution.

(v. i.) To deliver exhortation; to use words or arguments to incite to good deeds.

(n.) Exhortation.

Checker: Presley

Synonyms and Synonymous

v. a. Urge, incite, stimulate, persuade, encourage to do well.

v. n. Give exhortation, offer advice.

Checked by Cathy

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Urge, advise, counsel, enjoin, incite, animate

ANT:Deprecate, dissuade, warn, remonstrate

Checker: Witt


v.t. to urge strongly to good deeds esp. by words or advice: to animate: to advise or warn.—n. Exhortā′tion act of exhorting: language intended to exhort: counsel: a religious discourse.—adjs. Exhort′ative Exhort′atory tending to exhort or advise.

Inputed by Augustine

Unserious Contents or Definition

v.t. In religious affairs to put the conscience of another upon the spit and roast it to a nut-brown discomfort.

Checked by Barry


Inputed by Jeff


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