
[ɪ'rædɪkeɪt] or [ɪ'rædɪket]


(v. t.) To pluck up by the roots; to root up; as, an oak tree eradicated.

(v. t.) To root out; to destroy utterly; to extirpate; as, to eradicate diseases, or errors.

Edited by Candice

Synonyms and Synonymous

v. a. [1]. Extirpate, uproot, root out, pull up by the roots.[2]. Destroy, exterminate, annihilate.

Editor: Spence

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Extirpate, abolish, extinguish, exterminate, excise, uproot, destroy, root_out

ANT:Implant, import, instil, foster, propagate, cherish, encourage

Checker: Norris


v.t. to pull up by the roots: to destroy.—adj. Erad′icable that may be eradicated.—p.adj. Erad′icāted rooted up: (her.) said of a tree or part of a tree torn up by the roots.—n. Eradicā′tion the act of eradicating: state of being eradicated.—adj. Erad′icātive serving to eradicate or drive thoroughly away.—n. Erad′icātor.

Checker: Marge


Typist: Pierce


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