
['jʊərɪn;-raɪn] or ['jʊrən]


(noun.) liquid excretory product; 'there was blood in his urine'; 'the child had to make water'.

道格拉斯校对--From WordNet


(n.) In mammals, a fluid excretion from the kidneys; in birds and reptiles, a solid or semisolid excretion.

(v. i.) To urinate.



n. the fluid which is secreted or separated by the kidneys from the blood and conveyed to the bladder—the principal means of removing the worn-out tissues esp. the nitrogenous and saline matters from the system.—n. Urē′sis a frequent desire to make water.—adj. U′ric pertaining to or obtained from urine.—ns. Uric?prime;mia lithemia; Uridrō′sis the excretion of urea in the sweat; Urin?prime;mia the contamination of the blood with urinary deposits; U′rinal a vessel for urine: a convenience for discharging urine.—adjs. U′rinant (her.) diving; U′rinary pertaining to or like urine.—n. a reservoir for keeping urine.—v.i. U′rinate to discharge urine.—n. Urinā′tion.—adj. U′rinātive.—n. U′rinātor a diver.—adjs. Urinatō′rial; Urinif′erous conveying urine; Urinif′ic secreting urine; Urinip′arous producing urine.—ns. Urinol′ogy the scientific knowledge of urine; Urinom′eter an instrument for weighing urine.—adj. Urinomet′ric.—n. Urinom′etry.—adj. Urinoscop′ic.—n. U′rinoscopy inspection of urine.—adjs. U′rinose U′rinous relating to urine: partaking of the qualities of urine: like urine.—ns. U′rochrome a yellow pigment of the urine; Urodial′ysis a partial suppression of urine; Urogas′ter the urinary passages collectively.—adjs. Urogen′ital pertaining to the urinary and genital organs—also Urinogen′ital Urinogen′itary,Genito-urinary; Urog′enous producing urine.—ns. Urolithī′asis lithiasis; Urol′ogy urinology; U′romancy divination by urine; Uroplā′nia the abnormal presence of urine in any part of the body; Uropoiē′sis the formation of urine.—adj. Uropoiet′ic.—ns. Urorrhā′gia excessive micturation; Urorrhē′a Urorrhœ′a involuntary passage of urine.—adj. Uroscop′ic (same as Urinoscopic).—ns. U′roscōpist one skilled in urinoscopy; U′roscopy (same as urinoscopy); Urō′sis any disease of the urinary organs."



To dream of seeing urine, denotes ill health will make you disagreeable and unpleasant with your friends. To dream that you are urinating, is an omen of bad luck, and trying seasons to love.





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