
['riːfleks] or ['riflɛks]


(noun.) an automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus.

Checked by Elisha--From WordNet


(a.) Directed back; attended by reflection; retroactive; introspective.

(a.) Produced in reaction, in resistance, or in return.

(a.) Of, pertaining to, or produced by, stimulus or excitation without the necessary intervention of consciousness.

(n.) Reflection; the light reflected from an illuminated surface to one in shade.

(n.) An involuntary movement produced by reflex action.

(v. t.) To reflect.

(v. t.) To bend back; to turn back.

Checker: Melva

Synonyms and Synonymous

a. [1]. Retroactive.[2]. (Bot.) Reflected, bent back.

Typist: Rosanna


adj. bent or turned back: reflected: reciprocal: acting and reacting as reflex influence: (physiol.) said of certain movements which take place independent of the will being sent back from a nerve-centre in answer to a stimulus from the surface: (paint.) illuminated by light reflected from another part of the same picture.—n. reflection: light reflected from an illuminated surface: a copy.—v.t. Reflex′ to bend back.—p.adj. Reflexed′ (bot.) bent backward or downward.—n. Reflexibil′ity.—adjs. Reflex′ible Reflect′ible that may be reflected or thrown back.—n. Reflex′ity.—adj. Reflex′ive turning backward: reflective: respecting the past: relating to a verb in which the action turns back upon the subject as I bethought myself.—adv. Reflex′ively.—n. Reflex′iveness the state or quality of being reflexive.—adv. Rē′flexly (also Reflex′ly).—adj. Reflexogen′ic tending to increase reflex motions.

Editor: Rhoda


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