
['ɒksɪdʒ(ə)n] or ['ɑksɪdʒən]


(noun.) a nonmetallic bivalent element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless nonflammable diatomic gas; constitutes 21 percent of the atmosphere by volume; the most abundant element in the earth's crust.

Checked by Godiva--From WordNet


(n.) A colorless, tasteless, odorless, gaseous element occurring in the free state in the atmosphere, of which it forms about 23 per cent by weight and about 21 per cent by volume, being slightly heavier than nitrogen. Symbol O. Atomic weight 15.96.

(n.) Chlorine used in bleaching.

Typist: Sanford


n. a gas without taste colour or smell forming part of the air water &c. and supporting life and combustion.—n. Oxychlō′ride a chemical compound containing both chlorine and oxygen in combination with some other element.—v.t. Ox′ygenāte to unite or cause to unite with oxygen.—n. Oxygenā′tion act of oxygenating.—v.t. Ox′ygenise (same as Oxygenate).—adj. Oxyg′enous pertaining to or obtained from oxygen.—adj. Oxyhy′drogen pertaining to a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen as in a form of blowpipe in which jets of either ignite as they issue from separate reservoirs.

Typed by Damian


Typed by Dominic


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