
[əʊvə'ʃuːt] or [,ovɚ'ʃut]


(noun.) an approach that fails and gives way to another attempt.

(verb.) aim too high; 'The plan overshoots its aim'.

(verb.) shoot beyond or over (a target).

Inputed by Joe--From WordNet


(v. t.) To shoot over or beyond.

(v. t.) To pass swiftly over; to fly beyond.

(v. t.) To exceed; as, to overshoot the truth.

(v. i.) To fly beyond the mark.

Typed by Clint


v.t. to shoot over or beyond as a mark: to pass swiftly over.—v.i. to shoot or fly beyond the mark.—adj. O′vershot having the water falling on it from above as a water-wheel: surpassed: fuddled.—Overshoot one's self to venture too far to overreach one's self.

Checker: Sherman


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