
['ɒptɪmɪz(ə)m] or ['ɑptɪmɪzəm]


(noun.) a general disposition to expect the best in all things.

(noun.) the optimistic feeling that all is going to turn out well.

Inputed by Armand--From WordNet


(n.) The opinion or doctrine that everything in nature, being the work of God, is ordered for the best, or that the ordering of things in the universe is such as to produce the highest good.

(n.) A disposition to take the most hopeful view; -- opposed to pessimism.

Typist: Naomi


n. the doctrine that everything is ordered for the best: a disposition to take a hopeful view of things—opp. to Pessimism.—v.i. Op′timise to take the most hopeful view of anything.—n. Op′timist one who holds that everything is ordered for the best.—adj. Optimist′ic.—adv. Optimist′ically.—n. Op′timum (bot.) that point of temperature at which metabolic—i.e. vegetative and fructificative processes are best carried on.

Checked by Darren

Unserious Contents or Definition

n. The doctrine or belief that everything is beautiful including what is ugly everything good especially the bad and everything right that is wrong. It is held with greatest tenacity by those most accustomed to the mischance of falling into adversity and is most acceptably expounded with the grin that apes a smile. Being a blind faith it is inaccessible to the light of disproof—an intellectual disorder yielding to no treatment but death. It is hereditary but fortunately not contagious.

Editor: Warren

Unserious Contents or Definition

A cheerful frame of mind that enables a tea-kettle to sing though in hot water up to its nose.

Checker: Reginald


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