- One night, or about two o'clock in the morning, a policeman came in and said that something had exploded at the corner of William and Nassau streets. Frank Lewis Dyer. Edison, His Life and Inventions.
- He hung the tube in his shop as a curious toy, and one day the Marquis Spinola examined it and bought it to present to Prince Maurice of Nassau. Rupert S. Holland. Historic Inventions.
- The district selected for lighting was the area--nearly a square mile in extent--included between Wall, Nassau, Spruce, and Ferry Streets, Peck Slip and the East River in New York City. Various. The Wonder Book of Knowledge.
- Why, he had the yellow fever three times; twice at Nassau, and once at St. Kitts. William Makepeace Thackeray. Vanity Fair.
- The capture of Mainz in 1462 by the Elector Adolphus of Nassau gave the secrets of the printing press to the civilized world. Rupert S. Holland. Historic Inventions.
- I remember one man who had a saloon on Nassau Street. Frank Lewis Dyer. Edison, His Life and Inventions.
- The Elector Adolphus of Nassau invited him to enter his service as one of his gentlemen pensioners, and paid him a generous salary. Rupert S. Holland. Historic Inventions.
- The baths at Nassau were very gay, so was Baden-Baden, where Fred lost some money, and I scolded him. Louisa May Alcott. Little Women.
- Maurice and Henry Frederick of Nassau, and Gustave Adolphus, made many improvements in the sizes and construction of cannon. William Henry Doolittle. Inventions in the Century.
Editor: Lucius