


(v. i.) To be in a state of natural ebullition; to bubble and hiss, as fermenting liquors, or any fluid, when some part escapes in a gaseous form.

(v. i.) To exhibit, in lively natural expression, feelings that can not be repressed or concealed; as, to effervesce with joy or merriment.

Checker: Millicent

Synonyms and Synonymous

v. n. Froth, bubble, ferment.

Checked by Brett

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Boil, bubble, foam, mantle, froth, ferment, sparkle, explode, bluster

ANT:Subside, bear, brook, digest, acquiesce, refrain, flatten

Inputed by Dennis


v.i. to boil up: to bubble and hiss: to froth up.—ns. Efferves′cence; Efferves′cency.—adjs. Efferves′cent boiling or bubbling from the disengagement of gas; Efferves′cible.

Inputed by Celia


Edited by Amber


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