
[dɪ'nɒmɪneɪt] or [dɪ'nɑmɪnet]


(v. t.) To give a name to; to characterize by an epithet; to entitle; to name; to designate.

(a.) Having a specific name or denomination; specified in the concrete as opposed to abstract; thus, 7 feet is a denominate quantity, while 7 is mere abstract quantity or number. See Compound number, under Compound.

Editor: Moore

Synonyms and Synonymous

v. a. Name, designate, entitle, style, call, dub, christen, phrase.

Checker: Maisie

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Name, call, designate, specify, denote, style, title

ANT:Misname, miscall, describe, delineate, suggest

Typed by Corinne


v.t. to give a name to: to call.—adj. Denom′inable.—n. Denominā′tion the act of naming: a name or title: a collection of individuals called by the same name: a sect.—adj. Denominā′tional belonging to a denomination or sect.—n. Denominā′tionalism a denominational or class spirit or policy: devotion to the interests of a sect.—adj. Denom′inative giving or having a title.—adv. Denom′inatively.—n. Denom′inator he who or that which gives a name: (arith.) the lower number in a vulgar fraction which names the parts into which the integer is divided.

Inputed by Jeff


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