- I am very unwell, Topsy, and I think I shan't live a great while; and it really grieves me, to have you be so naughty. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Uncle Tom's Cabin.
- What grieves you? Charles Dickens. Our Mutual Friend.
- Such a rare plant in such a wild place it grieves me to see. Thomas Hardy. The Return of the Native.
- She does not _think_ evil, but she speaks it, speaks it in playfulness; and though I know it to be playfulness, it grieves me to the soul. Jane Austen. Mansfield Park.
- It grieves you to see me distressed, Mr Wrayburn; it grieves me to see you distressed. Charles Dickens. Our Mutual Friend.
- Yet, let whoever grieves still cling fast to love and faith in God. Charlotte Bronte. Shirley.
- She grieves about Father, and looks sober except when she is at her little piano. Louisa May Alcott. Little Women.
- But I rather judge it the kinder feelings of nature, which grieves that so goodly a form should be a vessel of perdition. Walter Scott. Ivanhoe.
Typed by Jerry