[ʌndər'estɪmeɪt] or [ʌndɚ'ɛstəmet]
(noun.) an estimation that is too low; an estimate that is less than the true or actual value.
(verb.) make too low an estimate of; 'he underestimated the work that went into the renovation'; 'Don't underestimate the danger of such a raft trip on this river'.
Inputed by Kirsten--From WordNet
(v. t.) To set to/ low a value on; to estimate below the truth.
(n.) The act of underestimating; too low an estimate.
Edited by Diana
Synonyms and Synonymous
v. a. Undervalue, underrate, misprize, rate below the true value, rate too low.
Typed by Hector
Synonyms and Antonyms
SYN:Underrate, undervalue, disparage
ANT:Overrate, overvalue, exaggerate
Inputed by Diego
v.t. to estimate at too low a rate: to set too low a value on.—n. an insufficiently high opinion.
Typed by Laverne
- But this must be an underestimate. Ulysses S. Grant. Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant.
- I do not underestimate the troubles of the man of affairs. Walter Lippmann. A Preface to Politics.
- On the other hand, the value of concrete, everyday intelligence is constantly underestimated, and even deliberately depreciated. John Dewey. Democracy and Education.
Edited by Gillian