
['trɪbjuːn] or ['trɪbjun]


(noun.) the apse of a Christian church that contains the bishop's throne.

(noun.) (ancient Rome) an official elected by the plebeians to protect their interests.

Typist: Marietta--From WordNet


(n.) An officer or magistrate chosen by the people, to protect them from the oppression of the patricians, or nobles, and to defend their liberties against any attempts that might be made upon them by the senate and consuls.

(n.) Anciently, a bench or elevated place, from which speeches were delivered; in France, a kind of pulpit in the hall of the legislative assembly, where a member stands while making an address; any place occupied by a public orator.

Inputed by Avis


n. a magistrate elected by the Roman plebeians to defend their rights: a champion of popular rights: the raised platform from which speeches were delivered any platform or pulpit.—ns. Trib′unāte Trib′uneship.—adjs. Tribuni′tial Tribuni′cian Tribuni′tian.

Checked by Curtis


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