
[ˈsentiənt] or ['sɛntɪənt]


(adj.) endowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness; 'the living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God's stage'- T.E.Lawrence .

(adj.) consciously perceiving; 'sentient of the intolerable load'; 'a boy so sentient of his surroundings'- W.A.White .

Typist: Owen--From WordNet


(a.) Having a faculty, or faculties, of sensation and perception. Specif. (Physiol.), especially sensitive; as, the sentient extremities of nerves, which terminate in the various organs or tissues.

(n.) One who has the faculty of perception; a sentient being.

Typed by Ellie

Synonyms and Synonymous

a. Perceiving, perceptive, sensitive.

Checked by Douglas

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Feeling, percipient, conscious, intelligent, cognizant

ANT:Insentient, insensate, mindless, unconscious, unintelligent, nonpercipient,incognizant

Edited by Bridget


adj. discerning by the senses: having the faculty of perception and sensation: (phys.) noting those parts which on stimulation give rise to sensation.—n. the mind as capable of feeling.—ns Sen′tience Sen′tiency.—adv. Sen′tiently in a sentient or perceptive manner.

Editor: Monica


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