
[rɪ'vɜːbəreɪt] or [rɪ'vɝbə'ret]


(verb.) treat, process, heat, melt, or refine in a reverberatory furnace; 'reverberate ore'.

(verb.) be reflected as heat, sound, or light or shock waves; 'the waves reverberate as far away as the end of the building'.

(verb.) have a long or continuing effect; 'The discussions with my teacher reverberated throughout my adult life'.

Checked by Barry--From WordNet


(a.) Reverberant.

(a.) Driven back, as sound; reflected.

(v. t.) To return or send back; to repel or drive back; to echo, as sound; to reflect, as light, as light or heat.

(v. t.) To send or force back; to repel from side to side; as, flame is reverberated in a furnace.

(v. t.) Hence, to fuse by reverberated heat.

(v. i.) To resound; to echo.

(v. i.) To be driven back; to be reflected or repelled, as rays of light; to be echoed, as sound.

Edited by Charlene

Synonyms and Synonymous

v. a. Echo, re-echo.

v. n. Resound, echo, re-echo.

Typed by Gladys

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Echo, recoil, reflect, revert, resound

ANT:Strike, impinge, beat

Checker: Scott


v.t. to send back echo: to reflect: to drive from side to side: to fuse.—v.i. to echo: to resound: to bound back: to be repelled: to use heat as in the fusion of metals.—v.t. Reverb′ (Shak.).—adj. Rever′berant resounding beating back.—n. Reverberā′tion the reflection of sound &c.—adj. Rever′berātive.—n. Rever′berātor.—adj. Rever′berātory.—Reverberatory furnace a furnace in which the flame is reflected on the substance to be burned.

Typist: Rosa


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