(n.) A native or inhabitant of London.
Editor: Sallust
n. a native or citizen of London.—adj. Londonese′ pertaining to London: cockney.—n. English as spoken in London: cockney speech.—v.t. and v.i. Lon′donise.—n. Lon′donism a mode of speech &c. peculiar to London.—London clay a geological formation in south-eastern England belonging to the lower division of the Eocene Tertiary; London pride a hardy perennial cultivated in cottage-gardens—also None-so-pretty and St Patrick's cabbage.
Editor: Sasha
- War was brought home to every Londoner by these experiences. H. G. Wells. The Outline of History_Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind.
- I thought you Londoners were never at fault. Arthur Conan Doyle. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes.
- Most of them were country people, come up for the sake of change; the Londoners had sought the country. Mary Shelley. The Last Man.
- But if you set forth the foibles of Londoners as plainly as you did in 'The Honey Bees,' I am afraid you would have half a dozen libel cases. Fergus Hume. The Island of Fantasy.
Edited by Constantine