
['ɪnsjʊlə] or ['ɪnsəlɚ]


(adj.) narrowly restricted in outlook or scope; 'little sympathy with parochial mentality'; 'insular attitudes toward foreigners' .

(adj.) suggestive of the isolated life of an island; 'an exceedingly insular man; so deeply private as to seem inaccessible to the scrutiny of a novelist'- Leonard Michaels .

(adj.) relating to or characteristic of or situated on an island; 'insular territories'; 'Hawaii's insular culture' .

Typist: Sharif--From WordNet


(a.) Of or pertaining to an island; of the nature, or possessing the characteristics, of an island; as, an insular climate, fauna, etc.

(a.) Of or pertaining to the people of an island; narrow; circumscribed; illiberal; contracted; as, insular habits, opinions, or prejudices.

(n.) An islander.

Editor: Rae

Synonyms and Synonymous

a. Surrounded by water.

Inputed by Elsa


adj. belonging to an island: surrounded by water: standing or situated alone: narrow prejudiced.—ns. In′sularism Insular′ity the state of being insular.—adv. In′sularly.—v.t. In′sulate to place in a detached situation: to prevent connection or communication: (electricity) to separate esp. from the earth by a non-conductor.—ns. Insulā′tion; In′sulator one who or that which insulates: a non-conductor of electricity.

Editor: Solomon


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