- St. Pierreelle a l'air d'une vieille coquette qui fait l'ingénue. Charlotte Bronte. Villette.
- A présent c'est un fait accompli, said he, re-adjusting his palet?tand we had no more words on the subject. Charlotte Bronte. Villette.
- Elle est toute p?le, said he, speaking to himself; cette figure-là me fait mal. Charlotte Bronte. Villette.
- His lordship appears to be _au fait_ on every subject one can possibly imagine. Harriette Wilson. The Memoirs of Harriette Wilson.
- Quel travail est-ce que vous avez fait? D. H. Lawrence. Women in Love .
- And this, of course, remains to you, since the marriage is a fait accompli? Arthur Conan Doyle. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.
Edited by Constantine