
[ɪ'nʌnsɪeɪt] or [ɪ'nʌnsɪet]


(v. t.) To make a formal statement of; to announce; to proclaim; to declare, as a truth.

(v. t.) To make distinctly audible; to utter articulately; to pronounce; as, to enunciate a word distinctly.

(v. i.) To utter words or syllables articulately.

Checked by Clarice

Synonyms and Synonymous

v. a. [1]. Declare, speak, proclaim, publish, express, relate, promulgate, state, propound, announce, enounce.[2]. Utter, pronounce, articulate.

v. n. Articulate, speak, utter articulate sounds.

Checked by Bertrand

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:State, propound, pronounce, syllable

ANT:Mutter, babble, balbutiate, stammer

Checker: Myrna


v.t. to state formally: to pronounce distinctly.—adj. Enun′ciable capable of being enunciated.—n. Enunciā′tion act of enunciating: manner of uttering or pronouncing: a distinct statement or declaration: the words in which a proposition is expressed.—adjs. Enun′ciātive Enun′ciātory containing enunciation or utterance: declarative.—n. Enun′ciātor one who enunciates.

Checker: Millicent


Checker: Millicent


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