


(v. i.) To bear or endure; to put up (with); as, to comport with an injury.

(v. i.) To agree; to accord; to suit; -- sometimes followed by with.

(v. t.) To bear; to endure; to brook; to put with.

(v. t.) To carry; to conduct; -- with a reflexive pronoun.

(n.) Manner of acting; behavior; conduct; deportment.

Typed by Hannah

Synonyms and Synonymous

v. n. Agree, accord, harmonize, tally, correspond, square, fall in, chime in.

Edited by Harold

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Demean, conduct, carry, behove, tally, consist, harmonize, match, agree, suit,coincide

ANT:{[isdt'iiieau]?}, misconduct, forget, {[mary]?}, differ, disagree, contrast,militate

Checker: Sheena


v.i. to agree suit (with).—v.t. to bear one's self: to behave.—n. manner of acting.—ns. Comport′ance (Spens.); Comport′ment behaviour.

Typed by Edwina


Editor: Mary


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