(a.) Suffering calamity; wretched; miserable.
(a.) Producing, or attended with distress and misery; making wretched; wretched; unhappy.
Edited by Estelle
Synonyms and Synonymous
a. Disastrous, unlucky, unfortunate, adverse, untoward, unhappy, unprosperous, hapless, ill-fated, ill-starred, deplorable, ruinous, miserable, wretched, dreadful, distressful, afflictive, sad, grievous.
Checked by Claudia
Synonyms and Antonyms
SYN:Disastrous, illfated, fatal, unlucky, hapless, unfortunate, inauspicious,troublous, illstarred, ill-omened
ANT:Felicitous, fortunate, auspicious, favorable, propitious, advantageous
Edited by Katy